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8-week group


𝙀𝙭𝙩𝙧𝙖𝙖𝙩𝙟𝙚 𝙫𝙤𝙤𝙧 𝙟𝙚 𝙒𝙚𝙡𝙯𝙞𝙟𝙣 - 𝘾𝙪𝙧𝙨𝙪𝙨 𝙈𝙞𝙣𝙙𝙛𝙪𝙡𝙣𝙚𝙨𝙨


De gemeente Noordwijk biedt de inwoners een cursus mindfulness aan met flinke korting. De cursus bestaat uit 8 lessen van 2/2.5 uur en een extra trainingsdag van 4.5 uur. Interesse? 11 DAY SILENT RETREAT DAY SILENT RETREAT

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Neem daarna contact met mij op 06 520 620 93 voor een kennismakingsgesprek.

Hoe Mindfulness jou zou kunnen helpen?

Met Mindfulness leer je om je meer bewust te zijn van het hier en nu. Je gaat makkelijker om met de drukte van alledag en je vermindert je stresslevel. Je bent beter in staat om bewuster keuzes maken en onder andere te werken aan je gezondheid. Door mindfulness ga je meer ontspannen in het leven staan en kun je meer genieten van de fijne dingen om je heen. 

Volgende training eind maart 2025

Dinsdagavond & Woensdagochtend in het Nederlands

in Noordwijk-binnen.

Eind Maart:

START Dinsdagavond 18 maart 19:00-21:00/21:30

18, 25, maart

1, 8, 15, 22, 29 april

6 mei

Extra trainingsdag zaterdag of zondag in april

10:00-14:00 (data volgt)
START Woensdagochtend 19 maart 09:30-11:30/12:00

19, 26, maart

2, 9, 16, 23, 30 april

7 mei

Extra trainingsdag zaterdag of zondag in april

10:00-14:00 (data volgt)
Training zomer 2025
Data volgt

8 Week Group training

Who is the course for?

All of us! The course is known to benefit people with a range of problems of both a physical and a psychological nature, but it is not necessary to have a specific problem to find it helpful. We all have times in our lives when we experience difficulty, stress, and struggle and for some of us, this is our daily experience. The problem itself may not change but the way we relate to and cope with the difficulty may shift, making it all feel easier. Developing greater awareness can open us to be able to change how we approach our experiences – taking more pleasure in the good things and dealing more effectively with the difficulties. 

People completing the course report lasting benefits

·       Greater self-confidence and more acceptance of life as it is.

·       An increased ability to cope effectively with stressful situations.

·       An increased ability to relax and experience calm.

·       More energy, enthusiasm, and appreciation for life.

·       Less hard and judgmental of yourself and others.

·       Kinder and more loving relationship towards yourself and others.

The structure of the course

The course consists of 8 sessions of 2 ½ hours each, plus a half-day silent retreat.

The maximum number of participants per course is 10 people.

What does the course involve?

The 8-week course is an excellent way to get grounded in meditation practice and start to experience its benefits. Research using brain imaging has shown that in as little as eight weeks of practice that the course offers, structural and functional changes can be observed in the brain. It has been proven that such a practice period is long enough for lasting effects.

The course is a mix of theory, mindfulness practices, and tools for daily life. You will be introduced to the practice of mindfulness by engaging in different forms of meditation, guided by the trainer. Mindful movement is included to connect body and mind. You will receive a handbook and audio meditations for home practice. During the sessions, you can share and discuss your mindful experiences if you wish to do so.

What is needed?

Participating in the Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction Programme (MBSR) requires an ongoing commitment to yourself. Research has shown that positive results from the course depend largely on whether participants do the home practice. It is an integral and essential part of the course and is intended to help you establish your own regular meditation practice. The more mindfulness you integrate into your life, the more benefit you will notice. 

Practical information

Wear comfortable and non-restrictive clothing. Yoga mats and meditation cushions are available.

*The sessions are guided in either Dutch or English.


Investing in yourself costs € 550,-. This includes a pre-course introductory chat, course materials (handbook and audio meditation exercises) and a half-day silent retreat.

The trainer completed her training at the Centrum of Mindfulness in Amsterdam and is a certified Category 1 Mindfulness trainer and a member of the VMBN (Organisation of Mindfulness-Based Trainers in The Netherlands & Belgium).  Some health insurers reimburse part of the costs of mindfulness training. Check the conditions in your insurance policy.

8-week individual

8 Week Individual 

The  Mindfulness course, using the same structure as a traditional 8-week course (see group course information) can also be followed individually in 8 sessions of 1 1/2 hours each. The advantage of individual training is that it can be tailored to your personal situation.


What does the course involve?

The 8-week course is an excellent way to get grounded in meditation practice and start to experience its benefits. Research using brain imaging has shown that in as little as eight weeks of practice that the course offers, structural and functional changes can be observed in the brain. It has been proven that such a practice period is long enough for lasting effects.

The course is a mix of theory, mindfulness practices, and tools for daily life. You will be introduced to the practice of mindfulness by engaging in different forms of meditation, guided by the trainer. Mindful movement is included to connect body and mind. You will receive a handbook and audio meditations for home practice. 

Practical information

Wear comfortable and non-restrictive clothing and bring a blanket along with you. Yoga mats and meditation cushions are available.

The sessions are either in English or Dutch.
Contact me for prices.

The trainer completed her training at the Centrum of Mindfulness in Amsterdam and is a certified Category 1 Mindfulness trainer and a member of the VMBN (Organisation of Mindfulness-Based Trainers in The Netherlands & Belgium). Some health insurers reimburse part of the costs of mindfulness training. Check the conditions in your insurance policy.



The real meditation is how you live your life.

Jon Kabat-Zinn, founder MBSR (Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction programme)

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